For many years, my husband has taken the last two weeks of the year and the first week of the new year for vacation.
I'm a journal, devotion, list making kind of person, but all my lists for goals, etc. have been delayed until he left. Just a very bad habit I got into and always found myself playing catch up at the end of the first week of January.
It was no different this year except he left earlier and I could have started it all on the 1st, but didn't. I was so busy trying to get two BIG challenges off the ground I had no thought or time for anything else.
I realized finally that I never shared something that happened right before Christmas, and so I'm sharing it now.
I have a friend who I've only met through the blogging world. We may never meet face to face this side of glory, but that's ok. Kindred spirits first because of our love for the Lord. I loved the way she shared her experiences of breast cancer with us week by week, always giving God the glory every step of the way, and continues to do so.
Second, because of the trauma of our physical/medical circumstances, and third because of our love for cross stitch. I received a hand made beaded ornament from her on a day when nothing else could have lifted my spirits.
Thank you, DJ, for the beautiful, thoughtful oranment that graces the top of my post. It hangs here by my computer to remind me all year that angels really are just friends with wings.
I am sooo looking forward to stitching along with you on Heart of America by LHN.
Hugs to all who read this,
Absolutely lovely gift from DJ :) I got one too :) ... and she is an inspiration to all she meets and a lovely stitcher as well :)
love mouse xxx
Awww, Babs! I'm so glad you liked it!! And well, you and I both know that nothing happens by coincidence, so the fact that it arrived on a day when you needed a little reminder that He and I both care for you is just His way of giving you a hug! (I'm so glad I could be a part of that!!) I think it's great that we are working on the same cross stitch piece too, just another way for us to keep in touch...How are you doing on your challenges? And hey...who says we won't meet one day before we reach Glory? You never know what He has in store for us!! *Hugs*
wonderful gift - congrats :)
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