The biggest change was to Scarlet Ribands by Long Dog Samplers. It came Thursday and I immediately picked thread and fabric.
So here goes, then I'm putting the needle up until about Monday or so...I want to read a book. I know it's not much stitching but I just wanted to get a stitch or two in all 15 pieces...ON TIME for a change.
#1 is Scarlet Ribands by Long Dog, stitching it with silk n color In the Burgundy on 36 ct. dove grey linen.

#2 is The Patriotic Branch by Bent Creek; on 32 ct. linen with Weeks and Gast.

#3 is Patriotic Patchwork by Blue Ribbon on 40 ct. sand with crescent color threads.

And last is Reading by Little House Needleworks using 32 ct. lambs wool and the crescents that came with it.

Bye for now. I'm just going to read a bit while the snow is still on the ground all around.
Oh my goodness, Babs! I love them all!! But I think my absolute favorite is the Long Dog Sampler. That will be a lot of work, but it's so beautiful!! I'm going to hang up my needle until Tuesday I think, my eyes and fingers need a break. Enjoy your book, and good luck with the rest of the challenge. *Hugs*
Great, Babs. You chose some wonderful projects for the cahllenge. And some big ones, too. THose will keep you busy this year, won't tehy? Lol.
Checking out all of the Challenge blogs and came across yours. You have some great projects started and I can't wait to see the finishes.
happy stitching....
Well, hellllllloooooooooooo Babs!!!! Now that I've found you again (and just how clueless AM I??), have your proper blog address in my list AND am a follower, I don't think you'll be able to escape again, LOL. ;) It was so good to catch up with you!! Best of all is the pic of you and your DH, both smiling, from Christmas. That made me want to bawl like a baby. I'm so glad to see it.
I enjoyed seeing all of your challenge pieces! And an A&E in there to boot! You go girl! :) I love your Battle Hymn of the Republic WIP, too. LHN does fabulous patriotic pieces. I had intended to start one as a Challenge piece and didn't--I know I'm going to regret that!
Happy new year to you and yours, Babs. I hope it's much better than 2010!
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