On the left is a picture of "little orts" before becoming a part of the "big orts" on the right. I didn't stitch much in February, but the frogging going on was never ending it seemed. That's why the froggie is in the picture...maybe if I'm nice to him, he'll be nice to me ...you think?
Hubby was home for a week with all the doctor appointments, but every thing checked out ok. He left last Sunday, but I haven't gotten it in gear yet. Lazy I am!
DJ, this next one is for you so you can see I at least put a few stitches in since my last show and tell of Heart of America by LHN. (did I mention how lazy I am?) I love this piece and want to see it finished soon, but your enabling has caused me to stop everything and do the little Easter sal you posted on your blog, assuming I can find the threads in my stash...cause I'm not going anywhere. (goodness, that was a long sentence) If ya'll aren't familiar with DJ's blog, do go over there and check out how she's getting so far ahead of me on this sal.

I'll catch up the rest of you tomorrow if I didn't today.
Til then, just going to say bye for now.
Babs, I am just loving Jane Atkinson - the color is so VIBRANT! Can't wait to see more of her...
Hi Babs!! Your HOA is coming along nicely!!! I'm with you, I would like to finish it up soon too. I did something I probably should not have...and offered to stitch a model for my LNS. I'm still going to try to keep up with all the SALs I'm doing...and my appointments...and blogging...and I guess I won't be sleeping! LOL I just ADORE the Jane Atkinson piece...thanks for enabling!! LOL We feed off each other don't we? Hope you are feeling better soon. I'll keep praying! *hugs*
Your work over the last couple of posts is looking wonderful - I need to get my LHN ornaments started !!
Thank you for the motivations - yours looks great :)
You are making a great progress on both projects!
Jane Atkinson is a great project and it must be so much fun to stitch with these bright colours.
Jane is looking great - such pretty colors! HoA looks great, too!
Thank You for visiting my blog. I'm very happy for your comment. You have so beautiful stitching! It's very interesting to follow blogs near and far away and see that we have the same hobby. Have a nice weekend!
A lovely update on your stitching. And I like your ORT jars!
Hi, Babs ! I love your blog too !
I think your preference is sampler and your work is very lovely. I have such patterns, I shall put them in my posts. Good wife's day ! (sorry for my english !)
Beautiful progress, Babs! I am eagerly anticipating LHN posting their 13 Colonies design on their blog--can't wait to see it since it has to feature Delaware. ;) Your HoA looks great, as does Jane!
JA is looking so pretty and it's just begun! Love the LHN, too! Hope you're feeling better soon Love your blog layout - looks good!
Your LHN is beautiful!
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