I haven't kicked off the new year yet. How can that be? It's only the 23rd, new moon (not FULL moon as I called it all last year. Right date, wrong name. oh well.
Herman's official retirement date is February 1st and we're babies at this and learning as we go. I'm so used to him coming and going I'm still in "he's just home for a visit" phase and not doing anything productive. But I'm trying to get there. The lie I can't tell? Would you show these orts for a whole month of stitching?
Whatcha" think about all these orts? I'm so ashamed :(
I've been unable to go through ufo's or decide what to choose to sal along with everyone in the "crazy" things. So rather than get in a hurry like last year, I've been thinking a lot about it and taking my time.
Without saying specifics, I will say that I'd love to finish a few of the beautiful pieces I started last year like "Apple Tree Sampler" by Hawkins House; "Jane Atkinson" by The Scarlet letter; maybe PS ABC piece which I started with many and just fell by the wayside.
New for this year, hence all those many orts, I did start three. This first is a sal with my stitching buddy group.
Quaker Christmas II
ByGone Stitches
32 ct. lambswool
threadworx overdyed floss
Red Finch's Winter Song
Tempting Tangles Designs
friendship blue 30 ct
dinky dyes
Elizabeth Hancock Sampler
Little House Needleworks
30 ct weeks straw
cc cottons and silks
upside down
And so the only other thing I know for sure I want to work on is Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird. Started once in 2010, once in 2011 and hate the fabric so the third start should be the charm, huh?
Also want to do Country Couttage monthly cottages. Don't even have the first one so behind I will be. I know no other way. Someone's got to bring up the rear.
This little chart by Little by Little is dated 2003 so not new. I wonder if any of you stitched this? It calls for dmc but wondered if anyone changed that if you stitched it. I saw it a long time ago and have been looking for it diligently until now I own it. Couldn't remember the designer. I love the little rose added to the simple quaker.
bye for now!