OK. I am one of the lucky recipients of a PIF from
Lynda. Now, I've been a recipient of her beautiful stitching before because she and I have been part of the same yahoo group going back over 10 years. But, I have never participated in the PIF thing. So, the way I understand it is....Lynda is going to stitch me something in this next year. But I am supposed to host a PIF drawing on my blog and if anyone actually signs up, then I draw from those names and do something for the winner in this next year. If no one signs up, then I'll choose someone from previous comments to do a RAK...that's my own rule cause some of you have been so kind to encourage and inspire me since I've been blogging. See? I'm learning. Before the blog I knew what a random act of kindness was; now I know what a RAK is. My one year anniversary is coming up so this will be a good way for me to "practice". I really need some practice :) Drawing to be held on April 13th.
hugs, Babs
Okay, see, I should KNOW, but... what's a PIF?
I KNOW you were very deserving of something wonderful, though, so I'm guessing that's what it is!
Never mind - figured it out - Pay it Forward! Now, where did I put my head?
Ummmmm - and I forgot to say how much I would love to receive something, I got myself all tangled up! Clearly, I need serious help!
juliebee, you're going to fall on your face again if you don't stop and untangle yourself, lol. I'll take 3 comments as a "sign me up"
Thanks buddy, for the laugh :) what would I do without my stitching buddies group?
love ya',
I'd like to participate..I think I need some practice too;). Babs, your work is always very fine!
oooo count me in too :) I love receiving stitched gifts :) hope you are ok :) love mouse xxx
I'd love to be included too Babs. Thank you. :D
The winner would then have to have a PIF would I be right in thinking. ?
Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog, it's good to know that I'm not always talking to myself. I'd love to be entered for your PIF. xxxx
I don't normally do this (sign up for stuff); but I am going out out on a limb for this one. LOL. Kak,kak,kak.
Sign me up for that dog gone PIF.
I will enjoy watching what everybody else does... I'm not good at obligation stitching but admire what others do!
Congratulations on your LHN finish! It is beautiful!
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