reproduction sampler by The Scarlet Letter. I saw it on
one blog, then in trying to find out more about it, it somehow
ended up in my hands (hence the enabling part)
The verse says
The verse says
"What though my sins are of a Crimson stain
My saviours blood can wash me white again
Though numerous the twinkling stars they be
or sands along the margin of the sea Or as
smooth pebbles on some beachy shore
The mercies of Almighty still are more.
Is that beautiful or what? Most use silk; I'm using dmc on 40 ct, but I think it's going to look good none the less.
I do have something to show and tell. Remember Winter
Cardinals on my last post? Well I finished it my way, but the picture is somewhat washed out in an effort to get the fabric trim remotely close to its color.
Cardinals on my last post? Well I finished it my way, but the picture is somewhat washed out in an effort to get the fabric trim remotely close to its color.
It is from Little House Needleworks done on Flax Fields by R&R, using crescent colors and dmc.
My hubby called to say he was having a little trouble and driving home yesterday from Philly...which he did. He sees his doctor tomorrow, but we think it's related to his port. Something's causing his right arm to swell and numb more than chemo related neuropothy he's been experiencing all along.
So I kept busy off and on all day picking, choosing, deciding how I wanted to finish the ornament and I put the last stitch in just as he was turning in the driveway. I'm not making that up. I walked in to hug him hello with the ornie in my hand. He can see that I do not "use my time for naught" as so many samplers say :)
I may be busy this week, but will try to get back to reading all the blogs I've missed the last couple of days. I leave you with my little start on Jane Atkinson...