I am half way into the second week since Herman returned to Philadelphia and still don't know what to do around here. Everything needs dusting and vacuuming and laundering or folding or mopping, or stitching, etc. etc.
And here I sit. I did some laundry yesterday and cleaned one bathroom which resulted in a panic attack, my 20 yr. old grandson babysitting me last night, and the oxygen running round the clock. I wanted to share this picture with you (which is a rough draft) of the portraits taken outside here before Herman left.

I am sitting in the middle with dd Karen (a widow) on my right and her 16 yr. old dd Sarah sitting on the ground my left. Herman is the one with his hand on my shoulder (of course) and the man in the middle is grandson Andrew mentioned earlier and his 18 yr. old brother also my grandson, Tyler. All three are Karen's children.
Maybe I'll have something stitched to post later. I did get the ornament stitched for buddy in England and mailed off Monday so can't post that picture yet.
Anybody know what to do when you've been a care giver and don't know how to get priorities in order when it's all over?
He is doing ok and is going to a big model train show in Allentown, PA this weekend. That will be fun and relaxing for him and he'll get whatever Christmas he's going to get while he's there. When you get our age and both have hobbies, it's just more fun for us to get what we want ourselves and be thankful that we can do that.
Bye for now,
Babs, I haven't really been a caregiver so I can't offer much advice. Other than maybe just be extra good to yourself for a while. Try not to worry about the housework, it will keep. Allow yourself some time for stitching and whatever makes you happy, because you do deserve it. You have a beautiful family!
I know that you must miss him being around, but how wonderful that Herman feels well enough to go off by himself! That's a beautiful family portrait as well.
Wow - I didn't realize that Herman would be headed back out so soon. No wonder you're having trouble adjusting. I'm with Karen - take some time now to pamper yourself. Stay in your pajamas all day - play music, stitch up a storm, eat nothing but crumpets and strawberry jam! (okay, that's what I'D do, anyway, hahahahaha)
Hello. Hello. Just popping in. Good to hear from you. Family photo is beautiful. You all look well including DH. (smile).
May I offer, rest, relax and take it easy. Some days will be better than others; and,
"Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me".
Hugs and blessings to you.
It's so good to know that the scary time is over for now. Your family picture is so beautiful. But I can understand that your hours are kind of empty and you have to fill them now. I agree with Julie - do something for your own pleasure just as you please. Stitching up a storm is a great idea, lol.
What a beautiful picture, Babs! You have a lovely family, and what joy to be through all this just before Thanksgiving, you have so much to celebrate this year! I remember when I was pregnant with my son and I was on bed rest. A nursing friend of mine told me to give myself permission to take it easy. You don't have to be superwoman, you just have to be Babs who is coming out of a dark tunnel and needs to take things easy. We all understand that, and now you have to convince yourself! I wish I lived closer, I would pamper you! I'll be praying for you. "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 *Hugs*
Hello Babs!
How good to read that you and DH are feeling better..
I found your name on list for participating
The Crazy January Challenge 2011.
I have already choosed some patterns that I will stitch,this is also a good excuse too do some shopping :)
We are having an extremely cold winter here,lots of snow and very dark.
The sun shines only few hours on about from 10.30 a.m to 15.00 p.m .
But there are lots of stars andd the northen light on the skye..so beautiful
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