Maybe it's because chemo was winding down and my heart and mind was on getting through it without any surprises.
God willing, he's had his last treatment; will go for bloodwork and consult with Dr. Becdash on the 5th and then make plans for returning to work. He came home from Philly, ya'll, on February 17th and he's been here since. He's feeling ok, but he's so run down...his appetite seems to have come back, though. He's proud to show me he cleaned his plate for the last few evening's been a struggle getting him to eat.
Not much stitching since my last post except for the halloween exchange piece I work on a little bit every chance I get. Can't show that cause it's a surprise and I know she will check my blog when I post :)
But I can show some of the recent finishing on some not so recent pieces.
This is my oldest piece; it's Northanger Abbey by The Sampler Girl I stitched back in 2004, but just made it into pillow this week.
Next comes Say Grace also by The Sampler Girl; it's not quite as old but done in 2009 . I loved this piece the minute I saw it.
Then there is Land That I Love I already shared with you, but now a part of my patriotic scene. Wow! one stitched and finished in the same year :)
Oh yes, the little sheepie piece was stitched by dd Tami and was supposed to be pin cushion but decided to frame it. I love all things sheep!
I've read a few books, (listed on the right) but the biggest surprise of September was my Kindle! Baby brother Ed and his wife Twila bought me a kindle just because...the best kind of gift, huh? Everyone is always calling and asking about Herman, but then one day Ed called and said he wanted to know how his sis was doing. Before we'd hung up the phone (he lives in Kansas), he had ordered the kindle and the cover. He called this week and asked if I'd figured out how to use it yet. I told him Sure! you just order a book and read, right? I LOVE it!
Tomorrow, Herman and I are going to try something we haven't done in awhile. We are going to drive to Chattanooga, TN to see the model train display at the Hilton. In case I haven't mentioned before, Herman is a model train (HO & N scale) enthusiast and Luke has come a lot to "play" with him during all this chemo stuff. He will be nine years old this week. Last picture, of course, is Luke, the only grandson that carries his grampa's last name. He tells people that's why his grampa loves him so much.
That's about it for this afternoon. Maybe I'll have some pics of the day trip tomorrow.
BIG thanks and hugs to all of you who have prayed us through these months. It means a lot to me. Just in case ya'll don't know....DJ's (you know, Tickled Pink) birthday is the 18th of this month a day after my hubby's. She'll be one of those "landmark" ages, but she thanks God for everyone of those days and years and gives Him the glory for walking alongside her and even carrying her through this year of surgeries and chemo, setbacks, struggles, tears and laughter...always laughter with DJ. She has been an inspiration for me dropping in via snail mail or email just when I need it the most.
I know she's been an inspiration to many of you and now is a really good time to let her know :)
Babs, I really love all your finishes! You seem to like the same type of designs I do. Glad your hubby is done with chemo, maybe life can be a little easier for both of you now. Wishing you the best!
Your stitched pieces are beautiful!
Best of luck to you and your husband!
Your finishes look great, Babs. You sure have been busy! I'm getting ready to mail my exchange... must remember to take photos before I send it on its way.
I'm glad to hear that Herman has had his last treatment. I hope you get good news from his doctor very soon.
Your finishes are gorgeous, and so are the pics - you should send them to the designers - I bet they post them. You did a beautiful job of "staging" them! :D
So glad chemo is over and it sounds like you and Herman will be able to focus on some fun things for a bit. I'll be sending all good thoughts that the chemo worked and Herman is on the mend now...
Aww... Babs, it's so good to see you posting again! I think about you all the time and pray for you when I do! I'm sure you and DH are so thankful that chemo is over! It's so good to hear he has his appetite back, I'm sure that's a relief for you!
Your finishing is amazing!! You'll be back to stitching in no time! I love the picture of your Alabama Autumn, it reminds me of Northern NY in the fall where I grew up. *sigh* Hang in there and I'll keep praying! *hugs*
Hello Babs and thank you for visiting my blog again:)
I love all you Sampler Girl finishes and I agree that you should send pictures of them to the designers.
All the pictures look so "professional " styled..great job!!
How is the weather at Alabama now?
Here in Finland the days are chilly,all trees have beautiful colored leaves.
On the night temperatures go under zero and we have to warm the house with our fireplaces too.
God bless you and your family!
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