Yes, it is full moon again and I should be ashamed of my little ort contribution since last time. I have as many strands from linen as I do threads. Oh well, there's always September.
On this day in 2005, there was another storm and her name was Katrina. It hit my hometown on the gulf coast on the 29th which led to my Mother's death on Sept. 7th. So, as I watched the news of Irene, I kept remembering that other storm and the impact it had on me, and I thought of those in harm's way this time and prayed for their safety. God bless any and all of you who were impacted by this storm in any way.
OK! to the giveaway!
First up is Barb Adams & Alma Allen's new book "A Schoolgirl's Work, Samplers from the Spencer Museum of Art. The book is beautiful; the stories and pictures of old samplers and the 11 beautiful projects they added just for us.
Next up is the brand new Limited Addition Santa from Prairie Schooler. Kit is complete with thread and fabric, needle and never been opened. The 2004 Santa just happened to be one I have two of :)
Then, there is my favorite scissor/flower frog. It is one piece, no chips anywhere...the picture doesn't do it justice.
And what in the world is that little bit of stitching???? It's the hand stitched piece that comes with the package but that's all the stitching done on it so far. It's on a 40 ct. piece of Zwiegart solo and it seemed to fit the fall just around the corner.
That's it for now. All you have to do is comment on this post only. If there is something in the package you don't want, just tell me and I'll draw another name. If you do want to post it on your blog, please do and tell me and I will add your name twice.
Oh yes, Shepherd's Bush Passion Fob kit was on the list and I forgot about it. It is a beautiful little kit brand new and sure to catch the eye of someone :) Also, the giveaway runs until September 12 with the drawing on the 13th.
I thought I'd celebrate 100 followers but it just didn't happen. Then I thought I'd celebrate blogaversary, same thing, then birthday and good news on hubby, same thing, 46th anniversary, nope. So, this giveaway is in honor of my's that? She was unique, and maybe there's something in this package unique. I'm known to throw little stuff in when I'm packaging up. Giving is the most fun!!!
bye for now,